Welcome! I've jumped on-board the blogging wagon to share a bit of my new world with friends and family.
For those of you who may not be current on the Nixon's latest locale, Joe was transferred to Kenai, Alaska. If we really knew the truth, he probably volunteered for this assignment. I am not one to accuse falsely but I do know that Joe received his official transfer paperwork and less than a week later was on a plane to Alaska. While I was frantically preparing our home in Texas to sell and getting two kids ready to return to college, Joe was consumed with getting a fishing trip lined up and researching the regulations concerning shipping his hunting equipment. It seems suspicious to me that the first week in his new assignment also coincided with the king salmon run. What do you think? Will I ever get him back to Texas?
I joined him two weeks ago and since that time have been busy trying to find a house. I'm happy to report that after two weeks of looking at every option available, several more than twice, we have a contract on a house and plan to be official Alaskan's mid-October.
During these past two weeks, we've tried to experience as much of Alaska as work and house-hunting allow. Nature reminds us daily that Winter is rapidly approaching and we will be somewhat limited in our explorations. There is a touch of Fall in the air and in certain areas the leaves have begun to turn. While Texas is in the midst of a heat-wave, Joe and I are wearing light jackets in an attempt to ward against the 45 degree chill that greets us each morning. By the afternoon, we are in shedding our layers to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and 65 degree temperature.
Although Alaska will never be home, Joe and I have learned to treat each new assignment as an opportunity for adventure. Our previous assignments have prepared us to embrace the challenges. We've learned that we can be happy in the midst of a 500 year flood and ice storm in Oklahoma. We've survived a Spring blizzard followed by hurricane-force winds while riding both out in a 5th wheel in the Texas Panhandle. What's a little snow and sub-zero temperatures to these pioneers? We have no doubt that we can make it through an Alaskan winter after all of these (mis)adventures. Besides, as all Alaskans know, Summer will be just around the corner and the summers here are incredible!
Next: We're not in Texas anymore....
Looking forward to the next blog post!